Sunday, February 22, 2015


A couple of weeks ago Jon had to go to Houston for a business trip for a whole week.  It was a long, hard week.  I'm not kidding.  Usually, our days going something like this: Violet wakes up.  We run some errands.  We come home and she takes a nap and I get dinner going.  Violet wakes up and we play, read, and dance.  Then Jon comes home and I'm free!!!! plays with Violet while I finish getting dinner ready.  With Jon away, it was like a super intense 12 hour Wall Street work day times five.  The week was relatively uneventful, smooth sailing even, until Wednesday when one of her dang teeth decided to start coming in.  Then life got much harder.  Violet started developing a runny nose (allergies maybe?), skipping naps, and waking up every couple of hours during the night.

Thankfully, right as I was reaching my breaking point, Jon came back home!  [Insert deep sigh of relief.]

Here's some photos of our not-so-adventerous adventures.

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