It's been a while! A lot's happened since my last post, the biggest being that we moved to western North Carolina.
About 6 months ago, Jon and I had a sit-down to talk about how our move to the Houston area was really not what we anticipated. Jon was commuting sometimes more than 3 hours a day. He'd leave super early and sometimes wouldn't even get home from work until after Lena was asleep. Every night we were rushing through dinner so we could give the girls a bath and put them to bed. By the time we were done, we'd both be so exhausted, sometimes we'd only get an hour to catch-up before going to bed ourselves. On top of that, Jon hated his job. After 6 months of this life, we decided to change it. We made a list of what was important to us, put our house on the market, and Jon began searching for a job. After a few ups and downs along the way, Jon was offered basically a dream job in a beautiful, small town in North Carolina. The timing couldn't have been better, because we were scheduled to sell our home two weeks from then, and if Jon hadn't gotten this job, we weren't entirely sure what we'd be doing or where we were going. The whole process was a pretty big leap of faith, but we were willing to risk the unknown to get out of our current situation.
One thing that was important to us was that our girls would grow up in a place where we could enjoy nature. We wanted their childhood to be filled with barefoot runs in the grass, catching lightening bugs, falling in piles of autumn leaves, building snowmen, but most importantly, we wanted them to enjoy these experiences with both of their parents.
We've been so blessed these past couple of months. On top of everything I mentioned, literally the only three bedroom house for rent has a view of a huge pasture of cows and mountains behind them. Jon and I often stop to stare out of our front window, totally mesmerized by our new view. Every day we see wild turkeys and deer grazing in our backyard. And Jon's new commute is 5 minutes.
Stay tuned for our mountain adventures!

Stay tuned for our mountain adventures!